Friday, July 28, 2006

Miscellany P Jones

We're here.
No point targeting a demographic I guess. You're obviously here. As I can confirm I am. Here.
Given your presence and given my elected demographic and given the aspirational demographic or demographic intended I feel we should move to move.
This blog was born from necessity or something in its image.
The title I owe to Jona 'family man' Higgins who remains, despite his contrary and often conflictive public persona, sage and sound.
The point of this thing is, first and foremost, to resurrect me from the grave of terminal inertia, under the bridge, camden, NW1. The line of thought is that john, both joe's, alf, especially anders, bean, others, token lady and my own good self submit frequent postings. The rhyme and reason of these postings will be covered in chapter 2.


Good. Piss on all quitters.
What I want is for all of us to put pen to paper and write.
What we write is up to us. Just write.
So, comedic musings, sketches, rants, raves and the crazed expression/articulation of a bad day are all welcome contributions to the Aleph.

Maybe we can beat this thing. I remain optimistic.
I look forward to your action.

a bientot and be pleased

Stuart A Forbes
Assistant to the Director
London Town


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